Strawberry is a favorite fruit of everyone. 
It is a herbaceous plant and can be planted in the yard or in flower pots. Plant a few strawberries at home each year, and you can enjoy strawberries for a long time at home. Strawberries need to be planted in an environment with plenty of sunlight, a warm climate, and good soil hydrophobicity.

If you want to plant it in the ground, be careful not to use the land where potatoes have been planted before, because strawberries are easy to be infected with a pathogen on potatoes. 

When strawberries bear fruit, they need to be separated from the soil, so planting strawberries in pots is a better choice. You can choose a multi-purpose flower pot, and spread a layer of stone on the surface of the soil in the pot, so that it is not easy to splash the soil on the strawberries when watering. If it is planted in the soil, you can use some hay or a mat to protect the strawberries.

The first is to promote germination. Generally, strawberry seeds can be stored for about 2 years at room temperature. In order to increase the germination rate of seeds, the seeds can be wrapped in gauze before sowing, soaked in gauze for 24 hours, and subjected to low temperature treatment at 0℃~3℃ for about 15 days in the refrigerator to break the dormancy of the seeds, and then sown. 

Prepare the soil, put the nutrient soil in a larger pot, irrigate it thoroughly, wait for about 1 hour to absorb it before sowing, and mix the absorbed nutrient soil and soil disinfectant into the flower pot.

Then there is sowing. The strawberry seeds are smaller and must be finely planted. On the soil evenly sprinkle the seeds, and then spray watering can look at the seeds to make seed absorb water, and then the cover about 3 mm nutrient soil in the seed, water it and then sprinkle watering can touch it.

It is best to place the sowed seeds indoors in a sunny place. Afterwards, do not dry without watering, and water thoroughly when dry. No fertilizer can be used during the germination of the seeds.The seeds will sprout in about 20 days.

When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, divide them into pots, and plant them when they have 3 to 5 leaves.
The flower pots for planting strawberries should be made of air-permeable clay pots, with loose and air-permeable sandy soil rich in organic matter.
After the strawberry blooms, if there are no small insects in your home, you should pay attention to artificial pollination. The outer periphery is independent of the stamens, and the middle cluster is the pistils. Just use a brush to gently brush.
Strawberries have a relatively large demand for sunlight and water. Adequate sunlight is conducive to its growth and coloring. If the temperature exceeds 30°C, shading measures must be taken. It is good to keep the soil moist without standing water.
Once the strawberries begin to bear fruit and turn red, be careful not to let the birds peck them, because the birds are easy to spot red things. Put a net on the strawberries, or use a wooden basket to cover the strawberries. 

But if you have a greenhouse at home, you can move the strawberries to the greenhouse, which is better. Strawberries are also easier to bear fruit. After the strawberry fruiting period has passed, they can be removed from the greenhouse and placed outside for the winter. 

From a certain perspective, if the strawberry plants are subjected to some frost, it is more conducive to increase the yield in the coming year.