In home life, many people like to grow some flowers and plants on the balcony, which can not only beautify the balcony, but also enhance the personal love of life.  People who often grow flowers know that in the process of planting flowers and plants, proper pruning of branches is very important. The pruning of flowers and plants is not only to adjust the shape of the flowers and plants, but also to make the new branches and leaves of the flowers and plants grow better.

The pruned flower branches can not only distribute the flower branches uniformly, save nutrients, regulate the growth of the plants, and control the length of the plants, so that the flower plants are neatly shaped and graceful, but more importantly, it is conducive to more flowering. Most flowers bloom on new branches, and only by constantly pruning old branches can new branches be promoted, more flowers and more fruit.

Pruning is generally divided into the following two types:

1. Pruning during dormancy
At this time, trim away crowded and damaged branches. It should be done when the sap just begins to flow in early spring and the buds are about to germinate. If the pruning is too early, the wound will not heal easily, and the shoots will be susceptible to freezing damage. If the pruning is too late, the new shoots have germinated, wasting nutrients.

2. Pruning during growing period
It is mainly to adjust the nutrient distribution during plant growth, including topping, wiping buds, thinning flowers, thinning fruits, and cutting off long branches. During the growth period, it can be carried out at any time.

Different types of flowers and trees have different pruning times. When pruning flowers and trees that focus on viewing flowers, you must first master the flowering habits of different flowers and trees. For plants that bloom in spring, such as plum blossoms, the flower buds are formed on the branches of the first year. Therefore, it is not advisable to prune in winter, nor to prune before budding in early spring, otherwise the flowering branches will be cut off. It is best to prune within 1 to 2 weeks after flowering, which can promote the germination of new branches, which can form new flowering branches in the coming year. If you wait until autumn and winter to prune the branches, the branches that have formed flower buds in summer will be damaged, which will affect the next year's flowering.