The general flower seeds mostly mature in autumn and winter. Family flower lovers should harvest and store seeds in time in autumn and winter in preparation for planting again in the coming year.

If you want to harvest and store seeds well, you should first grasp the mature period and degree of seed. The seeds mature early and late. When the seeds mature, the petals are dry and the seeds are firm, plump and shiny. Seeds should be harvested in time to prevent them from rotten in the rainy days and the mature seeds are easy to scatter. Choose early-flowering and early-maturing seeds from the same plant, and keep these seeds so that the next year will be planted and flowered earlier. When harvesting flower seeds, if you find that there are variations in flowers or colors, you can harvest them separately, store them, and sow them, so that new varieties may be cultivated.

Secondly, the method of harvesting flower seeds also differs depending on the type of flower. Some can pick the whole flower and take out the seeds after air-drying, such as Cockscomb, Scarlet Sage, etc. For berries, the berries can be rubbed, washed to remove the pulp, dried to obtain seeds, such as Solanum texanum, Solanum pseudocapsicum, etc. After some flowers mature, the peel is easy to crack, which leads to the loss of seeds, so you should pick the fruit in time when the fruit turns from green to yellow, otherwise the seeds will automatically scatter when they are mature, and the seeds will not be collected, such as Lagerstroemia, Impatiens, etc. 

For flower bulbs, such as Dahlias and Cannas, etc. The bulbs should be dug out in time before frosting. After drying, bury them in slightly moist sand. The soil should not be too wet to prevent the bulbs from rotten , which will affect the next year's germination. In addition, you can also find a corner to stack the bulbs, and the temperature of the stacking location should not be too high or too low, and the temperature should be kept at 5~10℃. If the temperature is too high, it will germinate prematurely, and if the temperature is too low, frostbite will occur, affecting survival.

Third, pay attention to the storage methods of flower seeds. The commonly used storage methods include dry storage, storage in sand, and storage in water. 

Dry storage, most flower seeds are stored in this way. First, dry the harvested seeds in a cool and ventilated place. Generally, do not expose them to sunlight. After the seeds are dried, remove impurities, then put the seeds in a small bag sewn with gauze, try not to put them in the glass bottle, because the glass bottle is airtight and affects the emergence of the seed. In autumn and winter, the seeds can be hung in a cool and ventilated place indoors, and the room temperature should be 5~10℃.

Storage in sand, for bulb seeds, they can be placed in a slightly moistened sand with a low temperature of 0~5℃. Because these seeds have a period of dormancy under natural conditions, after being dormant, they can be taken out of the sand one month before preparation for planting.

Storage in water, some seeds should be placed in water after harvest, such as water lilies, and the water temperature is generally controlled at about 5°C.

In addition, all kinds of seeds should not be exposed to the sun, and should be dried in a cool and ventilated place, otherwise it will affect the germination rate of the seeds. Finally, when storing seeds, it is also necessary to prevent rodents and insects from eating the seeds, otherwise, the work of a year will be ruined.