Pumpkin is a fruit and vegetable plant grown by people all over the world. It has many varieties, including small mini pumpkins and space pumpkins that have been in space. Pumpkin planting methods are very easy to implement. As long as you choose the time and planting soil, treat the seeds well, and then apply appropriate fertilizers and treatments, you can produce big and round pumpkins.

1. Planting time
No matter what kind of plants and vegetables are planted, you need to choose the time first, and pumpkins should also comply with this point. Pumpkins are planted in spring and autumn. Spring is from January to March, and autumn is planted from July to August. Generally, pumpkins are sown in spring. At this time, the sun is warm and the temperature is moderate, which is good for the seeds to take root and germinate.

2. Sandy soil

In fact, pumpkins do not have high requirements for the soil, and the general soil is suitable for the growth of pumpkins. However, if you want your pumpkin to grow better, you need to plant it on sandy soil. Finally, remember that before planting pumpkins, you need to add some base fertilizer to the soil to make the soil fertile.

3. Soak the seeds

If you want to increase the yield of your own pumpkins, you must soak the seeds. Pumpkin seeds need to be soaked in water for about 4 hours. After soaking, take them out and wash them with water before sowing.

4. Sowing

The most important step in the method of planting pumpkins is sowing. Because pumpkins generally grow very large, we need to leave enough space for them to grow. If it is planted on a rack, the distance is preferably 1.5 to 2 meters, and if it is planted on the ground, the distance is 0.5 to 0.7 meters. Note that there should be 2 pumpkin seeds in a seed pit, and place the bud tip down in the soil, and then cover with 2-3 cm of soil on top.

5. Transplanting

When the pumpkin seedlings grow to two or three leaves, we can transplant them. There is no fixed time limit. Transplanting can provide a large space for the growth of pumpkins, is also very conducive to the photosynthesis of pumpkins, and will also affect the yield of pumpkins. After transplanting, you can wait for the subsequent maturity period.


1. Watering and fertilizing
Watering and fertilizing are necessary for planting vegetables. Pumpkins should not be watered too much, otherwise it will cause waterlogging. When watering, it’s best to wait until the ground is dry before watering. Fertilization depends on the growth of the pumpkin. It is best to fertilize at the time of flowering and fruiting. Compound fertilizer or potash fertilizer is suitable.

2. Weeding
When planting fruits and vegetables, the most important thing is to weed them in time. When weeds grow in the pumpkin field, they will take away most of the nutrients and nutrients of the pumpkin. If weeds are removed, the pumpkin will grow bigger.

3. Pollination
Pumpkin pollination is best done manually, especially in rainy days, artificial pollination can reduce flower drop and failure rate. But pumpkins generally bloom very early, and they bloom before 6 o'clock. Therefore, in order to improve the success rate of pollination, we must pollinate them early and complete it before 9 o'clock in the morning. Gently touch the stigma of the female flower with the stamen of the male flower that has already bloomed, and lightly smear the pollen on it.