The color of azalea is more common in bright red. It is a very precious flower with high ornamental value and is widely planted all over the world. Azalea are colorful and graceful, suitable for potted plants, and are also good materials for garden layout. Today, I will introduce to you the tips for planting azaleas for your reference.

1. Soil
Azaleas like to grow in acidic soil (pH 4.5-6.5 is suitable), and they do not grow well or cannot grow in alkaline and calcified soil. Therefore, it is best to use acidic, loose, and well-drained soil rich in humus for cultivating azaleas. Generally use humus soil and sandy soil to mix configuration, add a small amount of cake fertilizer as base fertilizer. 

2. Sunlight 
Azaleas are not suitable for exposure to strong sunlight, but they can grow under scattered light. Excessive sunlight can cause leaf burns, withered leaf edges, and death. Therefore, it must be shaded in time at noon in summer, or placed in a half shade.

3. Temperature
Azaleas are suitable for growing temperature between 15-25℃. When the summer temperature is higher than 32°C, the temperature must be lowered. In winter, the temperature needs to be kept at 5-10°C. When the temperature is lower than 5°C, it will stop growing.

4. Watering
When watering the azaleas, the soil should not be too dry or too moist, just keep the soil slightly moist. Generally in spring and autumn, water every two to three days. You need to water every day in summer. In winter, wait until the soil is dry before watering. Water quality should also be strictly controlled. Ferrous sulfate or vinegar can be used to acidify the water before watering, and the water temperature should be close to room temperature.

5. Fertilizer 
In the early spring, organic fertilizer is generally applied to azaleas as a base fertilizer. After it blooms, it needs to be topdressed once every half a month, and it is generally not necessary to fertilize it in autumn and winter. When fertilizing azaleas, apply a thin fertilizer. If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, it will cause reverse osmosis phenomenon on the roots of azaleas. The fibrous roots will shrink due to loss of water, and the tip and edge of the leaves will lose their luster and gradually become withered and fall off.

6. Reproduction skills
There are many ways to reproduce azaleas, which can be reproduced by cuttings, grafting, ramification and sowing. Among them, cuttings is the most common method, and cuttings is the most suitable in May-June. Select well-grown branches, cut out 10 cm section with sections, keep the top 3-4 leaves, and remove all the rest. Insert the branches into the pot soil 3-4 cm, compact and water thoroughly, and wait for the roots to be transplanted.