It blooms vigorously in autumn and winter, has good cold tolerance. There are not many flowers that are easy to grow. I especially like pansy with small plants and lovely flowers. It can also bloom in winter, and it is small in shape, and it can grow well on the balcony or window sill.

The ornamental nature of potted horned pansy is better. The flower shape looks like small butterflies and a bit like grimace. It likes window sills or balconies with not enough light, because small environments with little space can also be planted.

1. Planting time
If you want to plant pansy potted plants, you usually wait until autumn. After the weather is cool, the temperature can be between 25 and 30 degrees. For example, it is October and the temperature is about 20 degrees. You can buy some seeds of pansy in time for sowing and breeding. If it is a relatively cold place in the north, you can choose to sow in spring.

2. Sprouting method with wet tissues
For novices, the best way to buy pansy seeds is to use wet tissues to germinate. Just spread the purchased pansy seeds directly on a damp paper towel. After the paper towel is sprayed with water, you can wrap the paper towel and place it in a transparent fresh-keeping bag. Take care to keep the paper towel moist.

Then, place it in a ventilated and light place for about 3 to 4 days. The seeds on these paper towels will begin to grow small white roots, and you can plant them at this time.

After the seeds germinate, you can prepare some small seedling pots or use disposable cups, and poke a few more holes at the bottom to ensure good drainage. After that, you can add potting soil in the nursery pot, usually using fine coconut chaff or peat soil, mixed with perlite, in a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1. After the soil is watered, the seeds can be scattered on the surface.

Then it can be placed in a place with more light, and a transparent cover can be placed on the top of the nursery pot to maintain high humidity. When the weather is hot at noon, you can open for two or three hours to ventilate. After about 5 to 7 days, the seedlings will slowly grow out. After the seedlings grow out, there must be sufficient light, otherwise the seedlings will grow excessively.

3. Transplanting
After the seedlings of the pansy grow to more than 4-6 true leaves, the seedlings can be directly transplanted into the pots. You can add some slow-release fertilizer to the bottom of the flowerpot as a base fertilizer, and be careful not to damage the root system when transplanting seedlings. After the seedlings are transplanted, they should be warmed up in a ventilated and light place first, and then slowly see the light after 3 to 4 days.

4. Post potted plant maintenance
In the early growth period of potted pansy, the stems and leaves are not growing vigorously enough. You can add flower fertilizer every other week to ensure that its stems and leaves grow better. After its leaves grow vigorous enough, you can occasionally add some flower fertilizer to ensure that its flowers are abundant.

Maintaining the potted pansies can't keep the soil often dry. When the potted soil is dry, add water in time.

Although the plants of pansy are small, the flowers are very abundant, with many varieties and colors. Common colors include deep purple, pink, yellow, white and sky blue. You can mix several different flower colors to form a charming combination potted plant.

The potted pansy is suitable to be placed on a south-facing window sill or balcony. There are about 4-6 hours of sunlight every day to ensure the environment is ventilated. The growth of the pansy is very good. Its cold tolerance is relatively good. In winter, it can survive the winter safely in an environment above 5 degrees Celsius, and it can keep blooming in southern areas. It can be kept by the window sill in the north, and it should not be placed in a location with too much heating or high temperature in winter. If it is in a place with frost, it is not suitable for planting pansy.

The peak growing season of pansy is actually in the autumn and winter. It can continue to grow in the spring when the weather is cool, and will stop growing when the summer is hot next year. Excessive heat in summer is not suitable for the growth of pansy, but it will leave a lot of seeds in it. Please pay attention to harvest the seed pods in time, and replant them when the weather is cool in autumn.