Hydrocotyle verticillata is a perennial creeping herb. Plant height is 5 to 15 cm. The top of the stem is brown. The leaves are round shield-shaped, 2 to 4 cm in diameter, with wavy edges and grass green. Flowers bisexual; umbels; small flowers white-pink. Its underground stalk grows at an amazing speed, and it spreads wherever it goes. It is one of the beautiful and easy-to-plant aquatic plants.

This kind of plant can be potted openly in warm areas and is suitable for water trays, aquariums, pools, wetlands, and indoor water bodies. When cultivated in aquariums, it is often used as foreground grass. The whole herb can be used as medicine and has diuretic effect. If you want to use potted plants or hanging pots, it is best to retain water for a long time.

Hydrocotyle verticillata does not have strict requirements for water quality and can be cultivated in fresh water with low hardness, and the salinity should not be too high. The pH of the water is best controlled between 6.5 and 7.0, which is slightly acidic to neutral. Its demand for fertilizer is relatively large, and top dressing is enough every 2 to 3 weeks in the vigorous growth stage. If planted in pots or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is required.

Hydrocotyle verticillata likes an environment with sufficient light, but the plant grows poorly if the environment is shaded. It grows well in full daylight. In half daylight, its petioles will stretch longer and grow in the direction of light. The posture needs to be adjusted slightly to be more beautiful. It is best to allow it to receive 4-6 hours of scattered sunlight a day; using special fluorescent lamps and 8-10 hours of artificial light a day can grow normally. It loves warmth and is afraid of cold. It grows well in the temperature range of 10~25℃, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 5℃. Under good management conditions, hydrocotyle verticillata is less susceptible to disease and is less affected by harmful animals. This plant is perennial. It sprouts quickly and takes shape quickly. Without changing pots, the formed plants should not be planted continuously for more than 2 years, otherwise the growth will become weaker and weaker.

The propagation of hydrocotyle verticillata can be done by ramets or cuttings. It is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivation soil moist, and take root in about 1 to 2 weeks. Since the plants are resistant to humidity, they are also suitable for cultivation in water basins and ponds. If it is hydroponics, the water must be changed once a week and a special nutrient solution for foliage plants must be added.