Blueberries are a kind of plant that many people like to eat. They can also be grown in pots, and only one blueberry branch is needed to grow a seedling and become a good-growing blueberry pot for people to pick and eat.

1. Spring cuttings

For blueberries to take root quickly and have a high survival rate, mastering the cutting time is the key. Practice has proved that cutting seedlings in spring from February to April take root faster and have a higher survival rate than in winter.

Since February to April is the watering season for blueberries, once blueberries are cut, they can quickly absorb nutrients and water. Without the top edge, the healing tissue can recover quickly, and new roots can be produced in 10 to 20 days.

2. Selection of blueberry branches

From healthy blueberry plants, select vigorous branches that are free of diseases and insect pests, preferably the lower half of the branches that are harder and more mature, then remove the upper leaves, keep 3 to 5 leaves, and spray the cut wound with a sterilizing solution , So as to avoid wound infection after entering the soil.

3. Loose soil

Choosing loose soil for cuttings is the key to the fastest rooting method for blueberry cuttings. It is important to choose a mixture of grass charcoal and moss in equal proportions. After disinfecting them, put them in the prepared flower pots. The loose soil is drenched so that it can grow more easily after cutting.

The processed blueberry branches can be directly inserted into the loose soil, but care must be taken to expose the small buds at the top of the branches, the depth of which is 2 to 3 nodes of the branches. Afterwards, use a watering can to spray water on the cuttings to replenish the appropriate amount of water. If you want it to take root quickly, you can also apply rooting powder before the cuttings.

4. Rooting conservation
After cuttings, you should do a good job of rooting and maintenance of blueberry branches, water them appropriately, spray more water with spray to avoid water accumulation, and keep the rooting temperature at 22 ~ 27 ℃. Generally, the healing tissue will be formed after one week. After another 10 to 20 days, the cuttings will quickly grow new roots and new leaf buds.

5. fertilizer
Organic fertilizer is indispensable in the process of growing plants. Cow and sheep manure and chicken manure are good organic fertilizer materials in daily fertilizer. Therefore, in terms of plant nutrition supplement, we have to choose some nutrient-rich fertilizers with various element types, so that the plant nutrition supplement will be more balanced and substantial.

6. Sunshine
Blueberries are a kind of plant that likes sunlight. Novices often overlooked this when they were cultivating plants, which affected the growth of plants. Therefore, in the cultivation of blueberry potted plants, it is particularly necessary to ensure sufficient sunlight. Of course, too strong sunlight will inhibit the growth of plants, so blueberries also need to be shaded in a strong light environment.

In addition, the ventilation of the blueberry potted plant must be guaranteed, and the impact on its growth is very large. If the branches and leaves are too lush, proper pruning is also needed at this time, so as to ensure the better growth of the blueberry potted plant.

7.  Concluding remarks
It takes a long time for blueberries to grow from seedlings to flowering and fruiting, but for those who have devoted their time and energy, such efforts are worthwhile. After all, what we gain from it is not only knowledge and experience that are not available in books, but also every year in the future, you can rely on this craft to let yourself eat "free blueberries", and these fruits are also exceptionally healthy and delicious, and beneficial to the body and mind.