Vegetables are already one of the indispensable foods in our daily diet.But there are many friends who live in the city and don’t have a lot of land. How do you grow vegetables? It doesn’t matter, the small balcony is actually a good place to grow vegetables.Here are a few easy-to-grow vegetables that can be grown in household pots!

1. scallion

The most suitable planting time for scallion is spring and autumn. Scallion like a warm, humid environment and need a loose, fertile, acidic soil rich in humus. Go to the market to buy fresh scallions, cut off the green part and cook, leave only the roots and a small piece of white scallion (leave the white part 7cm), and plant it in the soil. When planting, pay attention to leave a part of the green on the outside, wait for it to sprout. You can also purchase scallion seeds for sowing. Dig small holes 25mm deep in the soil of the flowerpot at appropriate intervals. Put 5 scallion seeds in each hole. After covering with fine soil, keep the soil moist until buds emerge.

2. Lettuce

Lettuce can be planted throughout the year. Spring and autumn are the most suitable seasons. The optimum temperature for growth is 15-20°C. 

Pay attention to shading and cooling in summer, and indoor heat preservation in winter in the north. Before planting, mix organic fertilizer with higher phosphorus content in the soil, and start planting two or three days later. Soak the seeds in warm water for 4 or 5 hours and spread them evenly on the soil without covering the soil. Direct watering. Green shoots can grow after about two or three days. Seedlings can be thinned after seven or eight days. Each pot retains 3-5 strong seedlings. . Fertilize once 14 days later, and then apply a small amount of fertilizer once a week. It will grow vigorously after 25 days, and the part can be eaten first and harvested after 35-50 days.

3. Parsley
Parsley is shallow root vegetables, weak absorptive capacity, soil moisture and nutrients than those strict requirements, the need to retain water and nutrients and strong, rich soil organic matter. Parsley likes cold, and its growth temperature is 15-20℃. 

Sowing can be done at any time from late August to early April of the following spring. Rub the seeds before sowing, put the seeds in hot water at 50-55°C, stir for 20 minutes, continue soaking the seeds for 18-20 hours before sowing. Cover 1cm of soil, keep the soil moist, and germinate in about one to two weeks. When the plant height is more than 10cm, the growth rate will increase, and it needs to be watered in time, but not too much.

4. Mint
Mint has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, can withstand low temperatures, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30°C. The requirements for the soil are not very strict, and the soil with deep, loose and fertile soil is better. 

If you need to sow and propagate, just sow the seeds evenly on the soil without covering. The sowing temperature is around 20℃, and the soil needs to be kept moist. When the seeds grow to five or six true leaves, they can be planted. It can also be propagated by ramet method or cutting method. Mint is a long-day plant, it is sunny but not exposed to the sun, it likes humid climate.

5. Garlic
Garlic can be cultivated throughout the year, but the best months for planting are September and October, and the winter is cold in the north, so it needs to be maintained indoors. 

Choose strong, white garlic cloves for planting. Remove the outer skin before planting, and then plant it in a drenched soil at a depth of 3 to 4 cm. Keep the soil moist and germinate in about 1 week. Note that the back of each garlic clove should face the same direction, so that the leaf growth direction after germination will be basically the same. During the growth period, generally wait until the surface of the basin soil is slightly dry before watering to avoid rot caused by flooding. 

Family cultivation is mainly leaf-eating. Generally, the decomposed organic fertilizer should be topdressed every time the leaves are harvested. If you need to harvest garlic, dig out the garlic when most of the plant leaves are naturally dry, and store it in a cool, ventilated place.

6. Radish
The planting of radishes can be sown in all seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but the time of sowing varies in different regions. The most suitable time is from autumn to winter, that is, from September to November each year. For a while, the yield and quality of the radishes grown at this time is the best.

Lay holes in the pots filled with soil at certain intervals. Before planting, you need to water each hole once to ensure that the soil is soaked, and then planting.Finally, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. In a week, most of the seeds will grow sprouts. At this time, water them again and add some urea, and the seedlings can grow quickly. It can be harvested in about a month.

7. Tomato

Small tomatoes are fruits and vegetables that can be planted on the balcony. In addition to admiring the yellow flowers, you can also see the gradual color change of the fruits and the joy of harvesting when they are ripe.

After sowing, tomatoes can germinate in a week when the temperature exceeds 18 degrees.

Small tomatoes grow faster and require a lot of organic fertilizer. Therefore, if you plant on the balcony, a larger pot is better, so that more small tomatoes can be produced. The soil for planting is preferably garden soil, accompanied by appropriate amount of organic fertilizer, such as fermented chicken and pigeon manure, fish scales, and animal offal.

At the early stage of growth of small tomatoes, the soil should not be too moist and should not be kept in the shade, otherwise it will grow excessively. When it grows to 30-40 cm, it should be topped in time, otherwise it will grow taller and fall down at last.

Small tomatoes are planted outside the balcony, and bees are pollinated. The result rate is generally above 70%. The fruit is green at the beginning, then gradually turns orange-red, and finally matures and becomes a big red.

8. Spinach
Spinach is suitable for planting in early spring, when the weather is not too hot, the temperature is not high, and the sun is not very strong, the growth of spinach is very good. Choose a larger flower pot before planting, or you can plant it in a normal flower trough. Spinach is a shallow-rooted vegetable and does not need to be planted in a deep container. Generally, you can grow spinach with a 15-20 cm deep flower pot.

In addition, pay attention to choosing suitable soil. The soil for cultivating spinach should maintain good drainage, and add enough compost soil or humus soil to the soil to have more fertility. You can add some decomposed compost and manure. At the bottom of the pot, mix some river sand or perlite to keep the soil drainage.

After the spinach seedlings grow out, some weaker seedlings should be properly removed, and each spinach seedling should be kept at a proper distance. Don't plant them too densely. In the later stage, the spinach should be kept in a ventilated and light place regularly. Water and keep the soil moist so that they can grow strong.

9. Cabbage
Cabbage takes up a lot of space when it grows up, so choose a larger flower pot or foam box. The pot soil is best to use garden soil or leaf humus soil, and pour foot water. Cabbage can be sown directly without raising seedlings and transplanting. Each flowerpot is sown with 2 to 3 seeds. After the seeds are placed in the flowerpot, they are covered with about one centimeter of finely sieved soil. Use a watering can to spray water every day to ensure that the surface is moist. Seedlings can emerge in about 4-6 days.

After the cabbage emerges, the seedlings with weak growth and abnormal cotyledon shape should be pulled out. Cabbage is a cold-loving vegetable, and the suitable temperature for growth is 10 to 22 degrees. In its growth process, water must be strictly controlled. It must be kept moist and not stagnant. Potted plants must be kept transparent.

When the seedlings of cabbage have grown for half a month, start to fertilize them first, and they can be harvested in about two months.

Growing your favorite vegetables at home is not only beautiful and beautiful, but you can also pick them while eating, which is delicious and assured.