The most important factor in cultivating flowers and plants is soil, so as to ensure that plants can fully absorb nutrients. Can construction sand be used to grow flowers?

Of course, construction sand can also be used to grow flowers, and it can play a supporting role. However, the sand itself has no nutrients and needs to be mixed in the soil for use, which has better air permeability and better effect. Generally choose coarse sand. Fine sand or sea sand is not recommended. The salt content is too high, which is not conducive to growth. But if there is lime in the sand, it cannot be used to grow flowers, otherwise it will burn the plants. Affect the growth of flowers and plants.

Many plants can grow in pure sand, such as garlic and daffodils, which do not very high demands on water and can grow directly in sand. The advantage of planting flowers and plants with pure sand is that it has strong porosity and high air permeability. Can effectively prevent plant roots from rotten.

In addition to being used to grow flowers, sand can also be used as a medium for cutting plants. Using pure sand to propagate roses and other plants has a good growth effect.