Flowers not only bring people spiritual enjoyment with their unique beauty and charm, but also their color and fragrance are beneficial to human health. Different colors of flowers can stimulate the human nervous system differently and cause different psychological feelings. For example, flowers with warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow will make people feel enthusiastic, excited and warm. If you place colorful red and orange flowers in the living room, bedroom, office and some public places, it will inspire people’s emotions and set off a warm and high-pitched atmosphere, which will make people happy and spiritual pleasure; pink can make people have a warm, peaceful and tender feeling; purple can bring people a dim and romantic psychological feeling.

On the contrary, if you use col colors flowers to decorate, such as blue, green, blue, and white flowers, it will make people feel fresh, relaxed, elegant and tranquil. If the year-round green leaf-seeing flowers are placed in the study or the elderly room, it will create a harmonious, peaceful, quiet and peaceful atmosphere, refreshing and calming, and play a good health care effect.

Among them, green has a health care effect that cannot be underestimated on the physical, mental and visual protection of the human body. Green can relieve people’s anxiety and irritability, stabilize their mentality, and make people feel comfortable.The reason is that green can absorb ultraviolet rays from the sun, reduce eye irritation, relieve fatigue, and make people feel comfortable. Scientific experiments show that if green can account for 25% of the human field of vision, it is very beneficial to the optic nerve. When you are tired, often watching green plants can eliminate eye fatigue and is most suitable for people's thinking and mental activities. Studying and working in an environment full of lush green shadows for a long time not only helps relieve visual fatigue, mediate the brain, and active thinking, but also play a role in correcting vision.

In addition, different floral fragrances can also mediate people's spiritual emotions. Different floral scents will produce different changes in people's mood and play a role in health care. Such as the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus is refreshing and helps relieve fatigue and makes people feel relieved;the scent of daffodils and lotus is quiet and elegant, which makes people feel refreshed;the floral fragrance of jasmine is refreshing and makes people feel relaxed and comfortable;the scent of lilac is soothing and calm; the scent of orange and lemon is like a stimulant and can invigorate people. Therefore, often smelling the fragrance of flowers in leisure time is very beneficial to people's physical and mental health.