Basil is a plant with very high medicinal value, and it is also edible. When planted, it will exude a charming fragrance and is loved by everyone, so many flower lovers will plant some basil at home or in the yard. So how to grow basil? Let me share with you how to grow basil.

Before planting basil, we must first understand its growth habits, because the maintenance skills are based on the growth habits. Basil likes a warm, humid environment, and its cold tolerance is relatively weak, so the temperature should not be too low, especially in winter, pay attention to temperature control. Drought tolerance is strong, but it doesn't like waterlogging, so watering should not be excessive. The soil should have good drainage. At the same time, it likes fertile sandy soil, so the soil should not be too poor when planting.

1. The best soil

The requirement of basil on the soil is good drainage and looseness. Most of the soil can be used, but the best soil is sandy soil rich in humus. We can use garden soil, river sand, and vermiculite to mix. When potting, you can buy flower soil directly from the flower shop. Make sure the soil is fertile so that basil will grow faster.

2. Growth temperature

Because basil is a plant that is not hardy and likes a warm climate, the most suitable temperature for its growth is 15-28°C. If the temperature exceeds 30°C in summer, pay attention to shade. In winter, you must pay attention to controlling the temperature, at least to ensure that it is above 5 ℃, so that basil is not easy to be frostbited.

3. Germination-accelerating

If planting at home, I recommend using wet paper towels to induce germination. The germination rate of such seeds is relatively high. If the seeds are directly buried in the soil, the germination rate is relatively low. Of course, it can be sown directly when the seeds are sufficient.

The simple operation is to find a container with a lid, such as a disposable plastic box. Then wipe the utensils and wipe them again with alcohol. After drying, put the paper towels in the utensils, add water to soak the paper towels, not too much water, then put the seeds on the wet paper towels, then put the lid on, keep warm and moisturize . After about a week, the basil seeds basically germinated. 

4. Sowing
Using a tweezers to carefully place the germinated basil seeds on the surface of the prepared soil, and then cover the surface with a thin layer of soil without pressing tightly, otherwise the germination will be affected. Then watering to keep the soil moist.

5. Transplanting
When the basil seedling growth 6-10cm, it is necessary for transplanting. Basil is a deep-rooted plant whose roots can penetrate 0.5 to 1 meter deep into the soil. Therefore, timely transplantation is conducive to the rapid growth of basil root system.

If you want potted basil, it is recommended to choose a flowerpot with a higher height.

6. Reasonable fertilization

Basil does not like fertilizers with too high a concentration. It is best to use fertilizers with a thinner concentration as the main fertilizer during maintenance. It is fine to apply a thin fertilizer every month or so. Only by maintaining sufficient soil nutrients can the vigorous growth of basil be promoted.