Scallions are usually planted in autumn. It can be planted in both autumn and winter. You can choose soft, nutritious and well-drained and air-permeable soil when planting; give it some scattered light daily and it can grow well; scallions are relatively cold-resistant . The best temperature during the germination period is 13°C-20°C. When the temperature exceeds 28°C, its growth rate will be reduced.

1. Planting time
Scallions themselves are relatively hardy. They are usually sown in March-April, harvested in June-July, or they can be sown in September-October, and harvested in April-May of the second year. They can be planted in autumn and winter in southern regions.

2. Planting method

1. Soil: It likes soft, nutritious, drainage and air-permeable soil, not suitable for planting in sand.

2. Light: It prefers gentle scattered light. If the light is too strong, it needs to be shaded, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow, fiber increase, and taste worse.

3. Temperature: It likes a cooler climate and has strong cold resistance. During the germination period, 13℃-20℃ is the most suitable; during the growth of the stems and leaves, 10℃-23℃ is the best. When the temperature exceeds 28°C, the growth rate will decrease significantly.

4. Watering: Because the root system is relatively sparse, scallions need relatively less water, but they are not drought-tolerant and need to keep the soil moist.

5. Fertilization: Spring and summer are its growth period. It can be fertilized 1-2 times as appropriate. The first top dressing can be in 20-25 days, and the second top dressing can be in 12-15 days.