In our daily life, we all "manufacture" many materials suitable for flower fertilizers. If we use them reasonably, we don't need to spend money to buy flower fertilizers whose effects are not necessarily suitable for flowers. Next, I will introduce several ways to make flower fertilizers that can be obtained in daily life.

1. Tea water and Water of rice washing

This is the easiest and one of the methods I use frequently, use the leftover tea water (never use hot tea) and water of rice washing to water the flowers, which can supplement the trace elements and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil. The ingredients promote the development of the root system so that the longer the plant, the better.

2. Homemade phosphorus fertilizer

After each feast, leave the fish bones, chicken bones, etc., soak them in clear water to remove salt and grease (recommended for more than 12 hours), then steam them in a pressure cooker for more than 20 minutes, remove and mash them to make bone meal. The decomposed bone meal mixed with 1:1 sand can become a very good base fertilizer.
Special attention is needed to remove the grease and salt from the bones, otherwise it will cause the soil to become mildew.

3. Homemade flower fertilizer (humus soil)

This is very simple. Usually at home, you can leave the peels left after eating fruits and the leaves of vegetables left after cooking; then store them in small buckets and cans, and add 2/3 of the sand to mix. Seal the container with a plastic bag and leave it for about a month (summer standard). After opening, it will be fresh humus! It can be used as fertilizer or directly cultivate flowers.