Potted cactus has become a trend of indoor flower selection and cultivation. Most residential houses have limited space, and the air is relatively dry. It is not appropriate to cultivate flowers that are difficult to survive. Therefore, only potted plants with high survival rates and strong adaptability to environmental growth are the most suitable choices. However, the cactus just meets all the above requirements. It is not only easy to manage, but also attractive.

1. The best time for potted cacti is from May to June, when the temperature is suitable to avoid the hot summer. If potted cacti are planted in winter, the lowest room temperature cannot be lower than 5°C. Of course, it can be done all year round if there is a greenhouse.

2. For soil requirements, it is best to choose sandy soil with good ventilation, good drainage and containing basal fertilizer. Of course, you can also configure it yourself. You can use 2 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of leaf mould and 3 parts of river sand to mix and match. The selected flowerpot or container must have a small hole at the bottom, which is conducive to drainage and ventilation and prevents the roots of the cactus from rotting due to standing water.

3. Choose the cactus species that are small and often bloom, and cut better stem nodes from the strong mother plant for cuttings. Do not insert the cut cactus stem sections into the soil immediately, first place them in a dry greenhouse to dry the cuts, wait until the cuts is completely dry before using it. In this way, the rot of the stem can be avoided as much as possible. Finally, put the cactus that has completed the cuttings in a well-ventilated place for good maintenance, waterinng it appropriately to keep the soil moist, after a week or so, the roots will grow. It is best to start watering the newly planted cactus after half a month. Watering should be controlled and avoid fertilizing in winter.

In general housing conditions, it is necessary to make good use of the indoor space to cultivate all kinds of beautiful cacti. Appreciating your own potted cacti in the alternate seasons of spring and summer can relieve fatigue.