Since natural soil often contains pathogenic spores, pest eggs or living organisms, and weed seeds, the configured culture soil needs to be disinfected to achieve the purpose of eliminating pathogens and insects. Here are 3 common disinfection methods to share with flower friends.

1. Sun disinfection
Place the prepared culture soil on a clean concrete floor or wooden board and spread it thinly, and expose it to the hot sun for 2-3 days. If exposed to the sun in summer, it can kill a large number of pathogenic spores, hyphae, pest eggs and nematodes. Although this method is not strict, it is simple and easy to implement.

2. Heat sterilization
There are many heating methods, including cooking, high-pressure heating and steam heating. Heating to 80-100°C for 30-60 minutes can achieve the purpose of disinfection. The heating time should not be too long, otherwise it will kill the beneficial microorganisms that can decompose fertilizers,affect the normal growth and development of flowers. If you don’t have heating equipment for family gardening, you can put the prepared cultivating soil in an iron pot and stir-fry on the stove for 20 minutes, or steam it in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes, which can also achieve the disinfection effect.

3. Pharmaceutical disinfection
Sterilize with formalin containing formaldehyde, pour 400-500 ml of formalin into the container, dilute with 50 times water, and evenly sprinkle it on each cubic meter of culture soil, then pile up the soil and cover with plastic film. After airtight for 48 hours, remove the mulch and spread the soil. It can be used after the formalin gas is completely volatilized.