Clivia is a perennial herb with a flowering period of 30-50 days, mainly in winter and spring. Clivia has a high ornamental value, so more and more people are choosing to cultivate Clivia. Clivia is also a kind of flower with beautiful meaning, it is very suitable for viewing at home. But in fact, the cultivation of Clivia also has some tricks. 

1. Soil
Clivia is suitable for planting in humus-rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good water permeability, and is fully fertile, slightly acidic (ph6.5), When potting, you can add about 20% sand grains to the humus soil, which is conducive to rooting. The size of the flowerpot used in cultivation gradually increases with the growth of the plant. When cultivating annual seedlings, use a 3-inch flowerpot. Change the 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into the larger one every 1-2 years. The flower pots can be replaced in spring and autumn.

2. Watering
Clivia has developed fleshy roots, can store more water and has a certain degree of drought tolerance. Generally, the soil moisture content for planting is about 30%. It is best to wait until the surface of the soil is dry before watering, watering once in 3-5 days in winter, once in 1-2 days in spring and autumn, and increasing the number of watering appropriately in summer. The seedling stage requires relatively little water, while the flowering stage requires relatively more water.

3. fertilizer
Clivia likes fertile soil, but too much fertilizer can cause rotten roots. In addition to applying base fertilizer, apply a thin fertilizer at regular intervals when top dressing, and base fertilizer when changing pots. Fermented solid fertilizer is applied once a month in spring and autumn, and liquid fertilizer is applied once a week. It is best not to topdress in winter, when the entire plant can grow slowly depending on the nutrients accumulated in the spring and autumn. 

Different seasons have different types of fertilizers. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied in winter and spring, and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in winter. Foliage Dressing is commonly used in summer. Spray the leaves with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or calcium phosphate. Foliage Dressing can be done all year round.

4. Sunlight
During the entire cultivation process, try not to expose the Clivia to direct sunlight. It is enough to spend about 4 hours a day under scattered sunlight. Too much light will narrow the leaves. Clivia avoid high temperature and scorching sun in summer. Clivia should be placed in a high humidity and cool environment, pay attention to ventilation. Clivia is not cold-resistant, so it should be moved indoors and placed in a place exposed to sunlight. It can survive the winter safely at a room temperature of about 5°C. If possible, it is best to keep the ambient temperature stable at 15-25°C.