Can raw eggs be buried in flower pots as fertilizer? In theory, it is possible, but it can only be used as fertilizer for woody plants, and it requires larger pots and deeper pots.

After the eggs rot, the taste is quite terrifying, and most people cannot accept this taste. Eggs will also damage the roots of plants when they are fermented, so if you want to use raw eggs as a plant fertilizer, it is best to choose a deeper flowerpot. Break the egg and bury it deeply. If it is shallow, I don’t need to say more about the taste. It’s disgusting to think about it. And if the burial is shallow, it will attract a lot of insects, but the woody plants have relatively strong vitality and resistance. Therefore, using raw eggs as fertilizer generally does not affect the growth of woody plants.

For some ordinary small pot plants, don’t put raw eggs in the pot soil. Because small plants need loose and breathable potting soil, a little bad potting soil may cause the flower plants to wither. If the raw eggs are put into the soil, the egg white will mix with the flower soil and harden the soil, resulting in poor air permeability of the soil, attracting insects, and emitting an unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is not recommended to bury raw eggs in the soil of small pot plants. It is better to use the money to buy some flower fertilizers than to buy eggs.