Although the rose is a flower that can bloom in all seasons, if you want the flowers to bloom large and luxuriantly, you must take care of them in autumn and winter.

In autumn and winter, the temperature drops, especially in the north, and most plants have stopped growing or their growth rate is particularly slow. Therefore, if you want to plant rose in autumn and winter, it is best not to buy rose seedlings with bare roots. Because its roots are very fragile, coupled with climate problems, it is easier to frostbite. 
When cultivating roses, you also need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Pruning the rose
Re-pruning the branches after the flowers bloom in June and October each year can give the rose a chance to grow side buds and dormant. 

First, cut off the branches of pests and diseases.Determine the branches to be pruned through careful observation. The roots and branches required to be pruned are basically: withered roots and branches, roots and branches that encounter pests and diseases, and roots that are too thin. We can cut off these useless branches from the bottom of the rose.
If it is a vine rose, cut off half the length of the side branches (short branches) after flowering. After the top branches bloom, the long branches are hauled and fixed. 

If it is an older rose, you can choose good strong buds and cut off the branches at the upper five to eight millimeters of the buds. It should be noted here that it is best not to be too close to the bud point when cutting, so as to avoid the phenomenon of flower buds not sprouting. The bevel of the cut should be opposite to the direction of the sprout point. The length of the upper part of the bud should not be too long, otherwise it will easily cause the branches from top to bottom to turn black.

2. Sufficient light
Rose is a typical plant that likes light. In autumn and winter, the light will inevitably be reduced, but if you want the rose flowers to grow well and look good, you must ensure that you receive sufficient light and good ventilation. Generally speaking, try to ensure that there is sufficient light for half of the day. If the rose is placed in a dark and dark environment, its flowering frequency will be reduced, and it can only bloom twice a year. 

3. Reasonable fertilization
The rose blooms in all seasons, and it is a plant that flowers frequently, so it needs a lot of nutrients to supply. In addition to fertilization during the growth period and after the flowers have fallen, don’t forget to fertilize the roses during the autumn and winter seasons to help the roses survive the winter. However, it should be noted that when fertilizing, it must be determined according to the temperature of the weather at the time. Generally speaking, if the temperature is lower than 0 degrees Celsius, the plant will begin to dormant. Do not use any fertilizer at this time to avoid accumulation of fertilizer. Wait until the temperature rises before applying fertilizer. 

The best fertilizer we can choose is phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Its main purpose is to make rose branches lignified and inhibit overgrowth, which is beneficial to improve cold resistance and to overwinter.