The first step in planting Kalanchoe flowers is to understand the growth habits of Kalanchoe flowers. The Kalanchoe flower is native to Africa. It likes a warm and humid growth environment and has poor cold tolerance. Therefore, its growth environment should have sufficient light, and it is resistant to drought and does not like waterlogging. The flowering period of Kalanchoe flowers is generally as long as four months, and the best soil for planting is fertile sandy soil.

1. Base fertilizer
The flowering period of Kalanchoe flowers is very long, so fertilizers need to be continuously supplied during the growth period, so that longevity flowers can bloom continuously. It does not need to be too frequent to change pots of Kalanchoe flowers. Generally, you can change the pots once every two years. Be careful when changing pots to avoid damaging the roots of the Kalanchoe flowers. 

Because the fertility of the flower soil has declined, it needs to be replaced with a new fertile flower soil. Generally, humus soil and fine river sand can be mixed together. In addition, some gravel blocks can be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot to increase air permeability. Put some base fertilizer at the bottom of the flower soil to ensure the long-term fertility of Kalanchoe flowers. Base fertilizer can choose decomposed cake fertilizer and chicken manure.

2. Fertilization at seedling stage
If the Kalanchoe flower has been planted for a long time, flower lovers can consider cuttings, so that one pot of the Kalanchoe flower can become more pots. The vitality of the Kalanchoe flower is relatively strong. Generally, the Kalanchoe flower can be transplanted into the flower pot during the seedling stage. After two weeks, a little light fertilizer can be applied, and some diluted decomposed cake fertilizer can be applied to promote the growth of the seedlings. If you are transplanting Kalanchoe flowers in summer, do not fertilize when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, otherwise it will easily damage the roots of the seedlings, which will not be conducive to the growth of the seedlings.

3. Fertilization in spring
Spring is the growth period of Kalanchoe flowers. Fertilizers are naturally indispensable. In spring, Kalanchoe flowers generally have bloomed. At this time, nutrients need to be added to promote the growth of branches and leaves. Flower lovers need to cut off the dead branches of Kalanchoe flowers to avoid loss of nutrients. At this time, you can apply some decomposed cake fertilizer to the Kalanchoe flower to promote the growth of the leaves. If you don't have these, you can go to the florist to buy some compound fertilizer for flowers and apply it to the Kalanchoe flowers once every two weeks. 

4. Summer fertilization
The temperature in summer is high, and the Kalanchoe flowers will enter the dormant period at this time, so flower lovers should reduce fertilization or not fertilize to avoid high temperature causing fertilizer damage. Put the Kalanchoe flower in a ventilated place. Pay attention to watering, if the soil is too dry, water thoroughly.

5. Fertilization in autumn and winter
The weather turns cooler in autumn and the dormancy of the Kalanchoe flower ends. In early autumn, a little nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to promote the growth of the Kalanchoe flower leaves. After October, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be reduced. Because the Kalanchoe flowers are about to enter the flowering period, too much nitrogen fertilizer will cause the leaves of the Kalanchoe flowers to grow, which is not conducive to flowering. At this time, flower lovers should apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. They can directly apply the fertilizer into the flower pot, or choose to spray the leaf fertilizer. Generally, a frequency of once every two weeks is sufficient. 

Properly basking the Kalanchoe flowers in the sun. Generally, the Kalanchoe flowers will grow buds in less than two months. Then the Kalanchoe flower entered a long flowering period. Pruning should be carried out in time after each flowering to avoid nutrient loss and promote the formation of new flower buds. Pay attention to the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, usually once every two weeks.