Among livestock manures, sheep dung has the best fertilizer effect. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is relatively high, and it is also very balanced. The most important thing is that sheep dung is also very good for improving the soil, and it is not compacted and has good water permeability. Therefore, many flower lovers like to use sheep dung to grow flowers. When changing flowerpots, mix fermented sheep dung in the pot soil. This year, they don't have to worry about fertilizing the flowers.

However, sheep dung must be fully fermented before it can be used, otherwise it will burn the roots and cause the flowers and plants to die. Some flower friends will directly place the unfermented sheep dung on the pot soil. This approach is wrong. On the one hand, many small bugs will breed. On the other hand, it will emit a peculiar smell, which makes the air in the home very bad, and spreading sheep dung on the potted soil will not have a good fertilizer effect, and it will not reach the expected goal.

How to use sheep dung when planting flowers? You can buy fermented sheep dung directly. If you get unfermented sheep dung, first mix the sheep dung with appropriate amount of soil and forage (you can also use only sheep dung alone). Then wet the sheep dung with water, and then put it in a closed container for fermentation, or stack it aside, and cover it with plastic film for fermentation. Fermentation is about one month in summer and two to three months in winter. After fully fermented, it can be used.

There are three ways to use fermented sheep dung. One is to directly make base fertilizer when changing pots, put it on the bottom of the pot or mix it in the pot soil for use. One is for top dressing. Open a ditch in the soil at the edge of the flowerpot, bury an appropriate amount of sheep dung, and cover it with soil, which will continuously provide nutrients for the growth of flowers and plants. The last one is to take an appropriate amount of sheep dung and soak it in clean water. Generally, after soaking for twelve hours, you can use this fertilizer solution to water the flowers. Of course, the first method has the best fertilizer effect. However, the pots of some flowers and plants are too small, and you do not want to change the pots in the short term, you can use the third method to fertilize.