The hardening of potting soil is a problem that most flower lovers will encounter, especially for novices, and they are not sure how to solve it. Below I will introduce some solutions to soil compaction. 

Causes of soil compaction
  1.  When watering the flowers, the water hardness is high, which causes the soil to become hard and compact;
  2. Improper use of fertilizer. Many people like to use unfermented milk and soy milk to water the flowers, but the protein cannot be absorbed by the plants, which leads to compaction of the pot soil;
  3. Water the flowers directly with tap water. Because tap water contains a certain amount of bleaching powder and chlorine, they are also the main factors that cause pot soil compaction.

Methods to prevent pot soil compaction
  1. If you use rice washing water to water the flowers, you must use fermented rice washing water;
  2. Adding a drop or two of vinegar to the water for watering the flowers can effectively prevent soil compaction;
  3. It is necessary to loosen the soil frequently in the usual maintenance. Long-term non-loosening of the pot soil will also cause the pot soil to compact. When the surface of the basin is dry, loosen the soil and then water. In this way, the air permeability of the pot soil can be maintained and the absorption capacity of the root system can be improved;
  4. For fertilization, it is best to use organic fertilizer that has been decomposed, fermented, and disinfected, and use less chemical fertilizer;
  5. If you use tap water to water the flowers, you must put it in a bucket first and let it stand for 1 to 2 days before watering the flowers. If possible, it is best to use rainwater or river water to water the flowers;
  6. The cultivation substrate can be added to improve the porosity of the cultivation soil. You can add peat, bark, wood chips, rice chaff, sawdust and perlite, vermiculite, ceramsite, volcanic slag, etc.