For novice flower growers, it is best to master several small skills for growing flowers, which will make the process of planting flowers easier. In order to help everyone, I also summarized some common problems, I hope that the flower friends can refer to them by themselves. 

1. The basin soil should not accumulate water
The roots of plants need water as well as air. If water is accumulated in the pot soil for too long, the roots of the plant will suffocate and die because there is no air to breathe. You should learn how to water properly.

2. Let the plants dormant
Many indoor flowers are in a relatively dormant period in winter or after flowering. During this period, the plants require less water and fertilizer than the vigorous growth period, and the required temperature is also lower. 

Popular potted flowers, such as cyclamen, chrysanthemums, etc., after blooming, the leaves gradually wither and fall off and enter the dormant period. This is the normal growth process of the plant, not caused by your poor maintenance. The air humidity needs to be increased indoors in the north. After the indoor heating in winter, the air is very dry. At this time, the indoor air humidity should be increased. 

3. Quickly deal with the problems encountered by flowers and plants
Both experts and beginners will encounter some problems. If pests are found, they will not cause major damage as long as they are removed and treated in time. If infected with the virus, treatment is more troublesome and should be isolated or destroyed as soon as possible. Too much watering, there is no major problem at first, but over time it will lead to death. Learn to recognize the early symptoms of plant problems.

4. Combine multiple plants together for care
When multiple plants are placed together for cultivation, almost all the plants grow well and the ornamental effect is also good. You should learn why and how to put plants together. 

5. Learn to change pots
After a year or two of potted flowers cultivation, most of the plant growth gradually weakened. In many cases, just change it to a larger pot to restore its normal growth state.

6. Choose the right type
For plants to grow luxuriantly indoors, they must choose a species suitable for indoor environmental conditions. Normal people know that shade-loving plants cannot be placed in direct sunlight and under windows.

7. Choose the right tool
Commonly used tools are: a watering pot with a long spout and a fine spray head; a sprayer to increase humidity to remove dust and control pests; and a good potting substrate, such as peat soil, river sand, moss, etc.; Flower pots, trays or sets of pots of different specifications; palm stakes for climbing plants and nylon thread or metal wire for tying plants; insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, leaf brighteners; branch shears, grafting knives, etc.