Most people now live in reinforced concrete cities. Of course, the water they drink is tap water, but some flower lovers have heard that watering the flowers with tap water will kill the flowers because it contains disinfectant ingredients, or it is not neutral. Now I will talk about my opinion on whether tap water can be used for watering flowers.

Tap water across the country is not all the same. For example, some urban tap water sources come from lakes, while some urban tap water comes from groundwater. The water quality in some places is alkaline, while the water quality in some places is acidic. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether watering flowers with tap water is good or not, because the situation varies from place to place.

No matter where the tap water is, the tap water is generally disinfected with chlorine, which is not very good for plants. It’s just that the chlorine content in tap water is very low, so even if some flower lovers use tap water directly to water the flowers, the flowers will not immediately react badly. But from a long-term perspective, if flower lovers use tap water to water the flowers, it is best to put the tap water in a pot before use, and then leave it overnight (if possible, it can be left for two days). First, let the chlorine in the tap water escape, and second, you can make the water temperature close to room temperature, so that there is no problem with watering the flowers with tap water. 

I believe that many flower lovers are more interested in rainwater, river water, or tap water which is best for watering flowers. But now the situation has changed. For example, because of environmental pollution, the rain may be acid rain, river water pollution, it may contain more bacteria, etc. Therefore, flower lovers should not choose blindly. They must be judged according to the actual situation. If other water sources cannot be guaranteed, it is more reliable to use tap water, because most flower lovers all over the country use tap water to water their flowers.