The paper towel sprouting method can not only make the seeds germinate faster, but also the operation is quite simple, but it is necessary to remind flower friends that the paper towel sprouting method is not suitable for all seeds, for example, some coated seeds are not suitable.The seeds that are most suitable for sprouting with paper towels are those with relatively large volumes.

Material preparation: utensils, paper towels, plastic wrap or ziplock bags or plastic bags (for heat preservation and moisturizing)

1. Spread the paper towel flat in the container, and then soak it with mineral water or cool boiled water. It is best not to use tap water to prevent the paper towel from becoming moldy.
2. When the paper towels are all soaked, pour out the excess water, because there is too much water, the seeds will float, which is not good for the germination of the seeds. Especially vanilla, after watering, there will be a layer of jelly film covering the surface of the seeds, it will affect germination when wet. Then put the seeds you want to plant, don't put them too densely, because the seeds will swell. If it is a large-particle seed, you can use double-layer paper towels, that is, one layer on top and bottom, and the seeds are placed in the middle, so that the seeds will maintain a higher humidity environment and will germinate in advance.

If there are too many seeds to germinate, you can write a label: seed name, date, quantity, color, etc.
3. The next step is to use plastic wrap and other heat preservation and moisturizing. I use a ziplock bag, put the utensils in a sealed bag, seal it, and glue the label. Because flower friends may use different utensils, there is no need to copy them. Whether it is covered with plastic wrap or plastic bag, the purpose is the same, that is, heat preservation and moisturizing.
4. Daily management, put the seeds in a place with no direct sunlight and astigmatism, open the bag mouth for about half an hour every day to breathe, and observe the germination. Generally, no water is added, and the water evaporates very slowly. Seeing buds emerge, (remember, buds are emerging, but not for small leaves to grow). Plant sprouts in the soil in time, don't wait for the buds to grow well. Dig a small hole in the prepared soil, put the germinated seeds into the small hole, and then lightly cover it with thin soil and water it.
5. When the leaves of the young seedlings are opened, the seedlings need to be gradually moved to the light place gradually. Note that the light is very important for the germinated seeds. Without light, the seedlings will be elongated, thin and long, and easy death. However, when the sun is too strong at noon, take shelter properly, because the newly born seedlings are still weak, remember to spray the seedlings frequently to keep them moist.