First of all, if we want to plant green clover, we generally best choose the method of sowing. We need to cultivate the land first to ensure that the soil is soft, so that the probability of germination after sowing will be very high. This is what we need knew.

The method of planting clover with seeds is very simple. Sow the seeds from March to April in spring or September in autumn. Soak the seeds in water for 12 to 13 hours, and then sprinkle 18 to 20 seeds on the soil. Keep the soil moist, wait for 3-7 days to take root and sprout.

1. Select seeds

It is best to sown green clover from March to April in spring or September in autumn. These two time periods have a higher survival rate. First, you need to obtain good seeds. Green clover blooms from July to September every year. If you feel troublesome to obtain green clover seeds, you can buy green clover seeds on the market yourself.

2. Seed treatment
After selecting the seeds of green clover, you still need to treat the seeds. You need to put the selected seeds in water and soak them for about 12 to 13 hours. This can promote the seeds to take root and germinate quickly and prevent pests and diseases.

3. Soil selection

In addition to the seed treatment for clover, it is also necessary to find a suitable soil for clover growth. It does not have high requirements on the soil. It is suitable for growing in soil with loose soil, good air permeability and water retention, and high fertility. It can be used in garden soil, yellow Sand and organic fertilizer should be mixed according to 5:3:2. Such a mixed soil can make clover grow better.

4. Start sowing

Green clover has high ornamental value. In fact, the method of planting clover seeds is to first sprinkle the treated seeds on 18-20 grains of soil, cover a layer of fine soil, spray an appropriate amount of water, and keep the soil moist. Put it in a cool place and wait 3 to 7 days for the seeds to take root and sprout. Move it to a sunny place and cultivate carefully.

5. Watering and fertilizing

When cultivating green clover, watering should not be too much or too little, otherwise it will affect the natural growth of green clover, and the amount of fertilization must be controlled. In spring and autumn, calcium phosphate fertilizer can be applied every 10-15 days. Nitrogen fertilizer is applied once a month, and it is not necessary to apply fertilizer in winter.

6. Ambient temperature

When cultivating green clover in normal times, it is best to place it in a sunny place, which can promote its growth and increase the ornamental value of green clover. It is suitable for growing at a temperature of 19-24°C, not lower than 5°C, so It needs to be moved indoors in winter to give it plenty of sunlight. It is best to control the temperature above 5°C so that the clover can survive the winter safely.