Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life, and they all like to put some beautiful potted flowers at home to add vitality to the home, because growing flowers at home can not only beautify the indoor environment, but also cultivate people's sentiment.

As we all know, there are countless varieties of flowers. Let me share with you some flowers that are suitable for growing at home.

1.  Jasmine Plants
Jasmine plants is an ornamental flower and is often grown as a family potted plant. It blooms from May to August every year. Most of its flowers are white with a light floral fragrance and smell very comfortable. Its flowers are small and lovely, with strong floral fragrance, and grow well in a ventilated and semi-shady environment. Because of its beautiful appearance and lush foliage, it is suitable for breeding at home and enhances the beauty of the indoor environment.

2. Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana is a perennial succulent herb that blooms every year when Christmas comes. It is a common potted flower in life. Kalanchoe flowers come in various colors such as pink, yellow, white, etc. It is very pleasing to grow at home and can make people feel happy instantly.

3. Clivia
Clivia is a rare flower and foliar plant. Its leaves are shiny and thick, which has high ornamental value. 

Clivia is more resistant to shade and avoids direct sunlight. It is very suitable for keeping indoors. It can be placed in brightly lit places such as indoor windowsills and tables. But it should be noted that it is a fleshy root system. The soil and flower pots must have good air permeability, and the windows must be opened frequently for indoor maintenance to enhance air circulation.

4. Pansy (viola cornuta plants)
Carefully the flower lovers noticed that pansy began to occupy various outdoor flowerbeds and lawns, which were more miniature, but there were countless colors. Florists who like pansy always plant pansy in pots on the balcony in spring and summer. Pansy grows for about two months and can reach full bloom in the third month.

5. Lilac (Syringa)
Lilac is also suitable for planting at home. The flowers that it blooms have a dark fragrance. When placed indoors, its fragrance can relax people's spirits and improve people's sleep quality. Lilacs like the environment with high temperature and humidity, so care should be taken to avoid freezing damage during maintenance.

6. Azalea (Rhododendron)
Azaleas are also very good to feed. They are beautiful when they are kept at home and bloom, with many blooming colors and luxuriant flowers. When curing in the summer, pay attention to shade and not expose to the sun. 

Pay attention to the pot soil not to be too dry but not to accumulate water. In other seasons, it can grow well without much maintenance. Therefore, if you want to raise the plants well at home, you can choose azaleas.