When it comes to how mint breeds, there are actually many ways.However, cutting propagation is the most commonly used method. This method has been verified by many flower lovers, and the survival rate is still quite high. So how do mint cuttings?

1. Cutting time

When cutting mint, it is best to choose to do it in spring or autumn, because these two seasons are more suitable for mint growth, so the survival rate of cuttings in these two seasons will be greatly improved, and the process will be relatively simple. , No need to do some protective measures because the weather is too hot or too cold.

2. Choose branches

To understand the cutting method of mint, the preparatory work must be done well. The selection of cuttings is the most important thing. When choosing cuttings, it is best to choose cuttings with stronger growth, so that the survival rate will be relatively higher. If you choose delicate branches or those with pests and diseases, it is generally difficult to survive, so you must be careful when choosing.

3. Trim branches
The selected mint cuttings still need to be pruned. We need to cut the leaves of the cuttings, because the excessive consumption of nutrients by the leaves will increase, so the bottom leaves are best to be reduced, which will make it easier to root.

4. Soil selection
When making mint cuttings, the choice of soil is also very important. We can choose a soil with a higher degree of porosity. This kind of soil will have better drainage and allow the mint to absorb nutrients better, and the time for rooting will be greatly advanced. 

5. Method of cuttings

After the previous treatments are done, we can start cuttings. The cutting method of mint is actually very simple. First, we can use a chopstick to insert a hole in the center of the pot soil, and then insert the cuttings into the hole to flatten the soil. Watering is ready, pay attention to watering once when watering, and then leave it for 1-2 weeks to take root.

After the cuttings are successfully rooted in accordance with the above methods, we can proceed to the later maintenance.