Garlic contains a variety of vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients. It has a good health effect. It is also an indispensable seasoning ingredient in our daily life. How can we grow delicious garlic?

1. Planting time
In fact, garlic can be planted all year round, but it is best to do it in the two periods of spring from February to April and autumn from September to November, because garlic is a plant that likes to have low temperatures, and it is best grown in spring and autumn. The temperature is suitable for the growth of garlic and avoid high temperature from affecting the germination and growth of seeds.

2. Soil selection
When choosing the soil, it is necessary to plant garlic seeds in sandy soil with air permeability, rich nutrients and good drainage to avoid lack of soil nutrients and poor drainage during planting, which will hinder the growth of seeds and affect their growth.

3. Seed treatment
When choosing seeds, choose pure white, no dark damage, full garlic cloves, weighing about 5g, and try to use large garlic cloves as seeds. When planting, remove the tray and stem tray of the garlic cloves, and be careful not to remove the surface layer. Remove the skin, this layer of skin can ensure that the garlic will not rot in the soil, which is conducive to the germination and growth of seeds, and avoids the phenomenon of low survival rate.

4. Seed planting
The day before sowing, the seeds should be exposed for 6-8 hours, but avoid sunlight exposure to avoid death of the seeds. Timely exposure of the seeds is conducive to the germination of the seeds; pits should be dug every 4~5cm during sowing. , Sow 1 to 2 garlic cloves in the pit, mulch with thin soil, irrigate the soil with water, keep the soil slightly moist, and germinate after about 7 days.

5. Fertilization of garlic seedlings
After planting, water once every 3-5 days, apply appropriate amount of fertilizer and timely weeding. Garlic is mainly applied with nitrogen fertilizer, and applying phosphate and potassium fertilizer can balance the absorption and utilization of nitrogen fertilizer. Apply fertilizer once before the garlic is overwintered, and apply once when it turns green.

6. Harvest garlic
The harvest time of garlic varies from place to place. The garlic moss is harvested first when harvesting garlic. Garlic moss is generally more convenient to pick with tools. Garlic moss can be sautéed or mixed with meat, the flavor is delicate and delicious. After the garlic moss is harvested, the garlic will enter the mature period, and the leaves that grow later will slowly become yellow. You can harvest garlic after 24 to 28 days. When harvesting garlic, choose a sunny day, the soil is dry and loose, and the soil is easy to shake off. Dry preservation.