The growth of any kind of flower requires a suitable temperature, which will directly affect the growth and development of flowers. Different flowers will only grow normally at different temperatures. Generally, plants native to tropical regions need higher temperatures, while plants grown in cold regions can still grow normally at extremely low temperatures. According to different cold resistance of different flowers, flowers can be divided into three categories.

Hardy flowers
This type of flower is native to cold or temperate regions and can survive in temperatures below 0 ℃. Therefore, these types of flowers can survive the winter safely, such as honeysuckle, lilac, winter jasmine, wisteria, etc.

Semi-hardy flowers
It generally grows in areas where the temperate zone is warmer and the winter temperature is generally not as low as 0 ℃. In the northern regions, a little cold-proof measures for flowers can survive the winter safely, such as peony, peony, tulip, rose, plum, osmanthus, etc.

Not hardy flowers
This kind of flowers are native to tropical and subtropical regions. They love high temperature, have strong heat resistance, and have weak cold resistance. Under normal circumstances, the minimum temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. This kind of flower can survive the winter in the open air in the southern part of the northern hemisphere, and can only spend the winter in a greenhouse in other areas. This kind of flower is also called a greenhouse flower, such as celosia, cactus, etc. belong to this category of flowers. However, some flowers require very high temperatures for overwintering, and even more than 25 ℃ to overwinter.

Generally speaking, plants with strong cold tolerance will have relatively weak heat tolerance. Aquatic flowers are generally very resistant to heat. Followed by annual herbaceous flowers and cactus plants, and again by woody flowers. Cyclamen, begonia, etc. have the worst heat resistance. 

Therefore, cold-resistant flowers should be provided with a cool environment, not too high temperature, and pay attention to ventilation, otherwise it is not conducive to the growth of flowers. Plants with strong heat resistance need to maintain high temperature conditions for their growth to ensure the normal growth of flowers.

Flowers are not only affected by air temperature, but also by ground temperature. Most flowers are most suitable in a ground temperature environment of 18 ℃. So when watering flowers, you can keep the water temperature within this range. And the difference between the water temperature and the ground temperature should not be too large, otherwise it may damage the root system of the flower.