Orchid is a flower that people prefer to plant. During the flowering period, the fragrance of the flower fills the air, which makes people feel refreshed. But planting orchids also need to pay attention to details and methods. Some novices do not know the habits of orchids. Seeing that their orchids are changing slowly during the bud stage, they want to add some fertilizer, hoping to grow faster and better. In fact, it is not suitable to fertilize orchids during flowering. Because when the flower buds begin to elongate, the stems and leaves grow relatively slowly and enter the diapause period.

Fertilization is generally more potassium-containing fertilizers and less boron-containing fertilizers, but boron fertilizers are beneficial to the development of styles, while potassium fertilizers are useful for the growth of leaves. If fertilizer is applied during the flowering period, it is generally not conducive to the development of styles, but only conducive to the development of leaves.

If the style is not fully developed, it will have a great impact on the fruit of the plant, and during the flowering period, the external fertilizer required by the plant is no longer as much as in the seedling, so it is not suitable to fertilize the orchid during the flowering period. At this time, if you continue to apply fertilizer, especially fertilizer with high nitrogen content, it will stimulate the growth of orchid stems and leaves, and inhibit the growth of flower buds, resulting in poor growth of flower buds, unstretched petals, and withering. Of course, if you don't need it to bloom, you can fertilize it as usual. When fertilizing orchids, do not apply fertilizer to the growth area of the stems and leaves, otherwise the stems and leaves will be burned by the fertilizer effect and cause withering.